Belize Medical College


Privacy Policy:
Congratulations on choosing to apply to The Central America Health Sciences University. We are certain you have made the right decision in deciding to pursue your medical training with our program.
Any information submitted to the Admissions Office is strictly confidential. It is against state, federal, and international law for any part of the information submitted in this form to be released.
The Admissions Office will contact you approximately two weeks after receiving your application. At that time, you will be informed of any supporting documents missing from your application file. A personal interview may be made at the discretion of the Dean or Admissions Committee.
Within four weeks of receiving your complete application file, you will be mailed a decision notification. If you are accepted into the program, you will receive a letter of acceptance and an acknowledgement of admission. You must submit a signed acknowledgement of admission within two weeks of acceptance in order to reserve your place in the semester you have requested. A $2,500 US matriculation fee must be paid 3 weeks before the first day of class at present acceptance letters states 5 days after recieving acceptance letter.
If you need any assistance in completing your application, or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Admissions Office c/o US Information Office.

We wish you the best of luck.